The Mori family is rooted in Lumezzane from time immemorial, a land that has deep historical roots of metal processing. In 1974 Egidio Mori with his brothers, who were already working in the industry as subtraders, forgers and cleaners of products and fitting components of stainless steel cutlery, begins his activity with the typical pragmatic imprint of the Brescia area entrepreneurship by founding Posaterie EME (EME being the acronym for Egidio Mori Elio).

In the early eighties, from this ancient and hard traditional production, blooms the highly innovative entrepreneurial adventure of Egidio Mori with the presentation of articles which he drew himself. Within a few years, begins the production of cutlery with coloured resin handle attracting widespread interest from customers and the market, thus allowing, in a short time, the Company to position itself at the top of world markets.

Since 2006, the second generation of the Mori family successfully continues the process of growth and research from the point of view of the product, distribution, marketing, and Company image. In 2013 The Basic Design Collection was born from the encounter between the study of some geometries found in nature, their translation into a product with essential language by Carmelo Di Bartolo, Design Innovation, and the manufacturing excellence of the Eme Posaterie.

Posaterie EME contributes every day to strengthen the "Made in Italy" image. Our table and kitchenware mirror the culture of the Italians who teach the true essence and meaning of the Italian Lifestyle in the world on a daily basis through design, fashion and food.

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